Technology in the Classroom
I believe the primary role of technology in the classroom should be to enhance, rather than to replace: instead of using technology as a substitute for teacher or peer instruction, I believe in integrating technology into the classroom in order to improve the efficiency of an activity or routine, enhance students' understanding of a topic or content area, or offer students experiences they could not otherwise access within their community (e.g. watching an eagle nesting via webcam during a unit on animal behavior). During my professional experiences, I have successfully incorporated the following technology into classroom activities:
- Introdudced to SMART and Promethean Interactive Whiteboards
- Familiarity with various social medias: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Twitter,
- Classroom websites and blogs: See an example of a Family Expat website I created here!
- Nikon D5000 DSL, GoPro cameras
- Microsoft Office: PowerPoint, Word, and Excel
- iWorks: Keynote, Pages, and Numbers
- Google Docs
- iPads (literacy activities, math games, and online research for students)
- Accelerated Reader
- Online learning software, such as Reading Eggs, iXL Math, Think Through Math, Khan Academy.
- Ted_Ed and Pinterest
- YouTube educational videos
- Online, interactive literacy resources, such as We Give Books, Storyline Online, and Tumblebooks
- Digital photography to document and share learning experiences
- Digital Scrapbooking: Heritage Makers
- Digital Blogging: WordPress, Weebly, Shutterfly, Bloomz
- Books on CD
- Video recording devices, e.g. Flip cameras, iPhones, iPads, Samsung Tablet